Luxury wine and food tour Archives | Wine And Food Traveller
+ Five Best wine Experiences in Sicily

Five Best Wine Experiences in Sicily

1 The Etna Region 2 Tenuta Regaleali by the Tasca Family 3 Marsala 4 Planeta Wine Estates 5 Occhipinti  Mt Etna. Sicily is famous for producing wine with the Nero D’Avola grape, but many of the wineries on Mt. Etna focus on other grapes, such as the native grapes nerello mascalese and nerello cappuccio . […]

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+ The Five Best Must See Destinations in Sicily.

The Five Best Must See Destinations in Sicily.

Five destinations you must see when travelling to Sicily. Join a wine and food tour to see the best of Sicily, then spend some extra time  in and around some of these amazing regions, like Ortigia, the wineries of Mt Etna, Marsala. There are so many places to be discovered. ORTIGIA. The historical port and […]

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+ Postcards from Sicily

Postcards from Sicily

Sicily, my new favorite destination in Italy.  A lot has changed in the 20 years that have passed since we initially travelled to Sicily. Most notably is the development of the wine industy, which means wine tasting holidays in Sicily, combined with the foodie experiences across this Italian Island are now a bucket list, must […]

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+ Postcards from Sicily

Postcards from Sicily

This luxury wine tour through Sicily would not have been possible a decade ago. Although Sicily still produces a greater percentage of white wines (thanks to Marsala) the real interest these days is the wonderful red wines, particularly those produced from nero d’avola grapes. The climate of Sicily is perfect for red wine production. Then […]

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+ Luxury Wine Tour Sicily

Luxury Wine Tour Sicily

There is a special atmosphere in the ancient Sicilian markets:  you see people talking and negotiating as immersed in a world that looks like a theatre. Our Sicily Luxury Wine and Food tour takes in the street food of Sicily, including the markets, and visits to some of the unique farmers of this Italian island. […]

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